Hi Alec — thanks so much for your thoughtful message. I really appreciate you reaching out. I am sorry it has taken me so long to respond. Sometimes I get nasty messages and so i have become a bit reluctant to open them :(
It is wonderful to hear you don’t have any compulsion to drink. I often think about how that must feel and compare it to smoking. I don’t smoke and have no desire to do so so but I have a friend who can’t seem to quit no matter how she wants to and she marvels at people like me who have no interest in smoking. She so wants to be like that, just like I do with drinking.
I still drink a few times a week after lots of tries but I am starting counselling this week and really plan to get honest about my whys, Over all the time thinking about it, i have started to drill down on that and am acknowledging that i actually don’t like it and so i want to capture that momentum and find some bloody peace away from the booze.
Thanks again :))))