Hi Kourtney — your message just popped into my inbox while I am at my computer and I just had to reach out. How very, very sorry I am for you and your girls. How very tragic. I sincerely hope you can find it in you to keep going with everything and give your girls the life they deserve. I know it won’t be easy, but I know you will. 2 days ago i gave my husband a boundary — no alcohol in the house. We have been having counselling and I have been learning the difference between ultimatums (don’t work) and boundaries (possibly can help). I haven't written on Medium for ages as i am just so desolate a lot of the time and i wrote that piece 21 months ago. He hasn’t changed, in fact he has got worse and has started to lash out physically, smashing things (not me….yet). It is a sad and sorry life, isn’t it.
Alot of Medium readers are in the US and I am over here in a corner of Australia, but if you ever need someone to talk to, pls reach out. I will be thinking of you often — your words have really touched me and I am sending a prayer. xx