Hi Natali — thanks for reading and replying — it certainly was a trial. It was just so infuriating becasue she thought he was such a little darling, and you know what — by himself with her nowhere in sight, he actually was very clever and charming. But he really acted up whenever she was around. Lying on the floor in restaurants yelling, grabbing other people’s stuff. Screaming outside our meditation sessions. But we sat and played cards and had some snacks together, even did part of the trek together and he was a delight.
So what is with that? Is he so jealous oif his baby sister that he has to act this way with mum to get any attention? After watching their interaction for 2 weeks i think that is a big part of it. Also she clearly thinks every single thing he does is amazing and so he is so used to being “special” that when he acts up he can’t fathom why is not a good thing.
So patience — yes. But it really wasn’t a good situation and did spoil it somewhat for me. I have been sent the “please give us a review for social media” email already and I have been avoided it. I can’t in all good conscious recommend it if it is going to be like that for every trip??