Hi Paul — thanks for taking the time to read my piece and respond. I didn’t know about naltrexone implants. I just did some googling and it seems that in Australia (where I am), they are not used routinely and where they have been, not by mainstream medicine. Here is a link to a news article about its use by a highly controversial practitioner (in my city) for ice/heroin addicts (not alcoholics), and subsequent deaths. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-10-13/naltrexone-implants-possible-answer-to-ice-addiction/6851530
George O’Neil/s clinics are free and do a lot of good, and we have government subsidised medical care (everyone pays a 2.5% tax levy to fund it) so we don’t have as many big pharma issues, luckily.
But, there is no solution for everybody is there? It’s very sad the extent that all these drugs (alcohol included) cause so much misery.
I hope you are well and staying safe :)