Thanks so much Pamela. I feel like Medium is a community — and everyone from all over the world! It’s great. I am sorry to hear about your health problems. That must be really tough and it is great the way you thought yourself out of that margarita desire (i like those too).
Your comment about taking “the easy way out” really struck a chord with me. That is it exactly. Hubby pissing me off — drink. Kids being hard to manage — drink. Work giving me the shits — drink. But then it has slipped into “sun is shining” — drink, it’s Friday — drink. Any excuse, no excuse.
But i am still soldiering on OK. One more day then I will back into Kathmandu and then 2 more days and I will be home and then that will be the test. Summer in Australia, a big country full of big drinkers :(